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- Politique de confidentialité | My Site
Privacy Policy This pattern is sample text and may not be published. The explanations and information provided here are only general explanations, information and examples. You should not rely on this template as legal advice or recommendations on what you should do. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and develop your privacy policy. A privacy policy is a statement that discloses some or all of the ways in which a website collects, uses, discloses and manages the data of its visitors and customers. It responds to a legal obligation to protect the privacy of a visitor or customer. The link to your privacy policy must appear on all pages of your site. Here are some examples of content you can include in your privacy policy: What information you collect How You Collect Information Why you collect the information Who you share the information with Where is the information stored How long you keep the information How you protect information Changes or updates to the Privacy Policy Click here for more detailed information on creating your privacy policy.
- Moyens techniques | My Site
Technical means IPAD REALISATION Enregistrement Live sur Internet MICROS HF IPHONE Plans serrés et plans larges AUDIOS DIVERS Microphones Main (Shure PGA48) Irig Pro Quattro (Interface Audio) Ik Multimédia Irig Pro ECLAIRAGE GVM LED / réglable 2300K-6800K MONTAGE Montage long ou rapide avec une vidéo courte et pertinente des meilleurs moments de votre événement, avec intégration d’interviews
- Mentions légales | My Site
Legal Notice Imprint. An impressum is legally required in some regions. This template only contains general information and sample wordings, and is not ready for publication. The information contained in the impressum varies depending on your company or type of website. We recommend that you seek legal advice to help you understand and create your impressum. [Company Name] Company name or company name Company Head Office Address Names of company officers Company phone number, fax number and email address Registration number in the Trade and Companies Register, or other authority applicable to the activity Tax identification number Legal form of the company Amount of Share Capital If your website offers services in the course of an activity that requires the approval of a public authority, the contact details of the supervisory authority must be provided Name, denomination or company name and address and telephone number of the host of its site Notices relating to the use of personal data Notices relating to the use of cookies The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform. This platform is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ . As a customer, you always have the option of contacting the arbitration board of the European Commission. We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. E-mail : Such. : Fax: Address :
- Services | My Site
Services Notre équipe est spécialisée sur les captations d'évenements que nous réalisons en simple ou multicaméras. Nous proposons des tournages en direct ou enregistrés avec possibilité de montage dans des délais très courts , afin de vous permettre une utilisation ultérieure au plus près de vos besoins. Nous sommes à votre écoute et disponibles pour vos tournages à Paris et en Ile-de-France. We respond in a personalized way to each request and we adapt to the specific conditions of each event to be covered. Types of Events Réunions professionnelles Conférences Interviews Séminaires Live or recorded Live on video platforms (Youtube, etc.) or Rtmp transmission Post-production of the event to broadcast a “Replay” Possibility to create excerpts, Ba, editing a best-of, etc. CAPTATION VIDEO Intégration d’éléments videos Pré-enregistrés. Tournages Multicaméras
- Photos diverses | My Site
Shooting photos
- Politique de cookies | My Site
Cookie Policy 1. What is a cookie? A cookie is a small file consisting of letters and numbers that is downloaded to your computer when you access certain websites. In general, cookies allow a website to recognize the user's computer. The most important thing to know about the cookies we place is that they serve to improve the usability of our website, for example by remembering site preferences and language settings. 2. Why do we use cookies? We may use cookies and other similar technologies for a number of reasons, for example: (i) for security or fraud protection purposes, and to identify and prevent cyber-attacks, (ii) to provide you with the service you have chosen to receive from us, iii) to monitor and analyze the performance, operation and effectiveness of our service and iv) to improve your user experience. 3. Table of cookies: In this section, you must mention the cookies you use on your site. For more information, Click here . 4. Your choices: To find out more about cookies, including how to see what cookies have been set and to understand how to manage, delete or block them, visit https://aboutcookies.org/ or https://www.allaboutcookies.org/en/ . It is also possible to prevent your browser from accepting cookies by changing the relevant settings in your browser. You can usually find these settings in your browser's "Options" or "Preferences" menu. Please note that deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our services, or may otherwise negatively affect your user experience. The following links may be helpful, or you can use your browser's "Help" option. Cookie settings in Firefox Cookie settings in Internet Explorer Cookie settings in Google Chrome Cookie settings in Safari (OS X) Cookie settings in Safari (iOS) Cookie settings in Android To refuse and prevent your data from being used by Google Analytics on all websites, see the following instructions: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en We may change this cookie policy. We encourage you to check this page regularly for the latest information on cookies.
- captation d'évènements | interviews réalisées avec ahcaptation
The mobile control room that facilitates your shootings Request a free quote
- Tarifs | My Site
Tarifs ⭐ Dans le cadre d’une interview 1+1 réalisé e et mixée avec 2 plans serrés et 1 plan l arge un tarif préférentiel sera appliqué ! Contactez nous Selon les demandes et donc les moyens à mettre en place un devis sera proposé.
- Contact | My Site
Contact us Phone 06 22 69 66 04 E-mail ahcaptation@outlook.fr First name Name E-mail Message Send thank you for what you sent